Charlize Theron talks about her life drama

In an interview with Howard Stern, Charlize Theron discussed one of the most difficult periods in her life, which was when she was a child and her father was an alcoholic. Her new picture, Atomic Blonde, is one of the most anticipated films of the year.

Theron has already discussed some of the horrible experiences that her family went through as a result of her father’s addiction, including what it was like when her mother killed her father in self-defense by shooting him.

Theron shared with Stern that at the time, she was at a loss for words over how to respond. “I simply pretended like it didn’t happen. I didn’t tell anybody — I didn’t want to tell anybody.

When someone inquired about it, I always responded that my father had been killed in a vehicle crash. Who exactly is interested in telling that story? Nobody is interested in hearing that narrative.

Theron was concerned about how other people would respond to the tragic happenings as well. They are at a loss for what to say in response to that.

I also didn’t want to have the mindset of a victim. I suffered with that for a good number of years before I finally decided to start seeing a therapist.

However, she didn’t start going to therapy until she was in her “late 20s, early 30s,” because it was such a difficult process. She came clean to Stern about the fact that the circumstances surrounding her father’s passing were not the cause of the anguish she experienced.

“I felt like I did really well. It turned out that I was actually able to cope well with [her father’s passing away].

Instead, Theron, who is now 41 years old, claims that she battled the recurring nightmare of having such an unpredictable figure in the house while she was growing up.

“I think what more affected me for my adult life was more the every day living of a child living in the house with an alcoholic and waking up not knowing what was going to happen.” — “I think what more affected me for my adult life that happened in my childhood was more the every day living of a child living in the house with an alcoholic.” And not knowing how my day was going to go, and everything depending on someone else, including whether or not he was going to drink.”

She went on to say that her mother had the same thick skin in regards to the tragedy, and she praised her mother’s unselfish resilience. “I was blessed with an amazing mother…

She is a significant source of motivation for me in my life. It’s not like she’s ever been to therapy. Consequently, a mother who had never actually gone to therapy to cope with something like that — trying to bring your child out of it — would have a much more difficult time.

Her philosophical stance was, “This is dreadful.” Recognize that this is a terrible situation. Now is the time to decide. Will this become who you are? Which one are you going to do, drown or swim?’ That was the end of it.

Theron continued by saying, “I believe both of us have dealt with the events of that night very well.” I believe that both of us still have to live with the life that we had, and I think it is something that people don’t really understand.

It is not only about what occurred on that one night.”


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