Bill Gates’ ex-wife Melinda speaks out about their relationship.

Melinda Gates, the ex-wife of Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, has spoken up about her ex’s infidelity in a candid interview with CBS host Gayle King that will run on Thursday.

“I cried a lot for several days. I mean, there are times when I’m actually lying on the ground and wondering, “How can this be? How do I stand up? According to a preview tape, the 57-year-old asked King, “How am I going to proceed?”

Melinda was asked by King if Bill Gates had an affair with a coworker while they were still married.

Melinda answered, “I do believe in forgiveness.” So, I believed that some of that had been resolved.

She said, “It wasn’t just one thing or one exact moment that happened. “I simply realized it just wasn’t healthy, and I couldn’t trust what we had, at some point in time there was enough there.”

Melinda remarked, “I mean, this is painful stuff. But at the end of the day, I began this healing journey, and I feel like I’m beginning to reach the other side. And I definitely feel as though the chapter is now turning. Even though it’s 2022, I’m definitely looking forward to what the future holds for me and my life.

According to a May New York Times article, Gates “made many advances toward women worked at his computer company and his foundation,” according to The Daily Wire.

After witnessing a female Microsoft employee make a presentation earlier in the day, Gates invited her out to dinner in 2006 through email. In the email, Gates advised recipients to “believe this never happened if this makes you uncomfortable.”

A year or two later, Gates made a move on a Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation employee by saying, “I want to see you,” and inviting her to dinner at a cocktail party. Will you join me for dinner? In order to sidestep explicitly answering Gates’ inquiry, the employee laughed at him.

Gates developed a reputation within Microsoft and the foundation as a result of his repeated efforts at affairs.

The Daily Wire noted that earlier that month, a resurrected rumor said Gates “had an understanding with his wife for years that he could spend one weekend a year at the beach with his previous girlfriend, Ann Winblad.”

In 1997, TIME Magazine wrote, “Gates has a deal with his wife that he and Winblad can continue one vacation ritual. Gates and Winblad spend a long weekend each spring at Winblad’s beach house on the North Carolina Outer Banks, where they go hang gliding, ride dune buggies, and take long walks on the sand.

We can play putt-putt while talking about biotechnology, according to Gates. Winblad says it in a grander manner. We discuss our ideas about the world and about ourselves, she claims.

And we wonder about how, as two young overachievers, we started a big adventure on the periphery of a little-known business and it brought us to the center of an extraordinary universe.

When Gates and Winblad first met, they “started going on ‘virtual dates’ by driving to the same movie at the same time in different cities and discussing it on their cell phones,” according to TIME.


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