Believe me, you’ve got to try these!

Brace yourselves, folks! Imagine the sizzle, the smell, and the nostalgia. Believe me, you’ve got to try this classic: Fried Bologna Sandwiches. Whether you have fond childhood memories of grabbing one fresh off the skillet or you’re just curious about how a simple bologna sandwich can be elevated to a culinary delight, this recipe is for you!

First things first: the ingredients. They are humble, often sitting quietly in your fridge, just waiting for their moment to shine. Here’s what you’ll need:

Paulownia – Any variety will do the trick. Some people prefer thick, tasty slices from a deli, while others are perfectly happy with prepackaged bologna. To each their own!

Bread – Traditionally, these fried beauties are made from white bread, but don’t let tradition box you in! Any bread you fancy will work just fine.

Now let’s move on to the other essentials:

Cheese slices

Mayonnaise or mustard



Fried bologna

Preparation is where the magic happens, and I’m here to guide you through it with a bit of sassy commentary to keep things interesting.

Spray a skillet or heat a small amount of oil over a medium-high flame. While the pan is heating, prepare the bologne. Here’s where things get a tad bit interesting. If you got your bologna from a deli, you can skip straight to the frying, but if you went for the Bar S or Oscar Meyer variety, there’s one little thing you need to do first: remove that pesky red edge. It doesn’t add to the flavor, trust me.

Now, spread your chosen condiment—evenly and generously—across the slices of bread. Think of it as your artistic canvas. Once you’re done, chop up any veggies you wish to add. The key here is preparation. Bologna cooks faster than you can say ‘sizzle,’ so have everything ready before it hits the pan.

With the red edges removed, it’s time for the star of our show to take the stage. Toss that bologna into the skillet and listen for that glorious sizzle. You’ll soon notice the center start to bubble up—like a little bologna soufflé. At this point, make two X slits in the middle. This genius move prevents your meat from curling up and doing an impersonation of a tiny Mexican hat.

If you’re wondering who out there still eats fried bologna, let me tell you—you’re not alone. There’s a whole world of fried bologna enthusiasts just waiting to welcome you into their delicious fold.

So, take the plunge, give it a try, and let the magic of humble ingredients blow your mind. Happy frying!