Avoid Writing These Details on Your Checked Luggage

When preparing to travel abroad, many people attach a small paper tag to their checked luggage. This tag typically contains personal information like the owner’s name, age, address, and phone number. The idea is to make it easier to identify or return the bag if needed.

However, this tactic has its downsides, such as exposing personal details and causing unnecessary worry.

A report from international media suggests that criminals can easily read the information displayed on checked bags. They might discreetly place illegal items next to your luggage and label them with your name.

Once they succeed, they have the means to claim the luggage later by using the home address and other personal information of the owner.

There have been incidents, such as when Brazilian authorities arrested a gang of drug traffickers. This group copied passenger details from tags like these, pasted them onto their own suitcases, and then used them to smuggle drugs and other contraband via air travel.

In another unfortunate event in 2010, a 50-year-old woman from Hong Kong named Lam Tran Dinh traveled to Malaysia to visit family. She helped an elderly lady with her luggage at customs, but unexpectedly, she was detained and searched. Authorities discovered 1.8 kg of illicit substances in the bag she was carrying for the stranger. Tragically, Lam Tran Dinh was sentenced to death, as Malaysian law imposes such penalties for trafficking or transporting 15 grams or more of narcotics.