Actress Best Known For Her Role On M*A*S*H passed away

We are saddened to announce the passing of beloved actress Judy Farrell who delighted audiences for many years. Known for her role as Nurse Able on the iconic sitcom “M*A*S*H,” Judy Farrell’s talent and charm made her a beloved figure in the entertainment industry.

A Life of Acting and Writing

Judy Farrell’s career extended far beyond “M*A*S*H.” In addition to her memorable role as Nurse Able, she showcased her talent in a variety of other TV series, including “Get Smart,” “The Partridge Family,” and “Quincy, M.E.” She also made her mark as a writer, penning an impressive 131 episodes of the TV series “Port Charles.”

A Fond Farewell

Judy Farrell’s son, Michael Farrell, shared the news of her passing with TMZ. Judy passed away on April 2, 2023, at the age of 84. She had suffered a stroke nine days earlier and was hospitalized. Though she was unable to speak, she remained conscious and was able to squeeze the hands of her loved ones who were by her side.

Remembering Her Legacy

Judy Farrell’s talent and beauty touched the hearts of many, including her co-star Loretta Swit, who portrayed Major Margaret ‘Hot Lips’ Houlihan on “M*A*S*H.” Swit shared her heartfelt words with Entertainment Weekly, describing Judy as a beautiful person inside and out. Their bond went beyond the screen, as they grew up together like family. Though her loss is painful, the memories of Judy will forever be a cherished treasure.

A Loving Family

Judy Farrell leaves behind her husband and two children, Michael and Erin. Her legacy will live on through her family and the lasting impact she made in the world of entertainment. Our thoughts and prayers go out to her loved ones during this difficult time.

Please enjoy the video below to learn more about Judy Farrell’s remarkable career:

Rest in peace, Nurse Able. You will be missed, but your talent and spirit will never be forgotten.


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