A Father’s Pride: Celebrating Rachel’s Graduation

When Jay Handlin’s daughter, Rachel, graduated from college, he couldn’t have been prouder. The journey to earning a degree is already challenging for most, but for Rachel, who has Down syndrome, it was an even greater accomplishment. Having obtained a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the prestigious California Institute of the Arts, Rachel’s achievement is truly remarkable and inspiring to aspiring graphic designers and photographers.

As a society, we are unfortunately familiar with the stigma surrounding Down syndrome. There’s little need for explanation as to how challenging it can be for individuals with genetic conditions, including those in the neurodivergent spectrum, to navigate through the education system. People like Rachel face unique hurdles that most of us can’t fully comprehend.

Jay Handlin, a proud father, wanted the world to know of his daughter’s success. With a heartfelt post on Twitter, he shared Rachel’s photo and expressed his unwavering pride: “This is my daughter, Rachel Handlin. Tonight, she earned her full Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Photography & Media from the prestigious California Institute of the Arts. Rachel has #Downsyndrome. I am officially the proudest father on the planet. Fight me.”

Jay’s love for his daughter and his public display of pride garnered significant attention from media outlets like PEOPLE. The stigma surrounding Down syndrome has persisted for as long as we have been aware of the condition. It has never been an easy journey for those born with it, and society’s lack of accommodations has made it even more challenging. Many individuals with Down syndrome face difficulties in completing their education, highlighting the dire need for better support and opportunities for special needs students.

With the spotlight on him, Jay quickly took the chance to address these issues: “This is a very rough, ballpark calculation, but out of all the people with Down syndrome in the world, those who’ve earned a regular college degree are literally about one in a million. That’s not because they’re the only ones who could do it. They’re the ones whose families refused to let their children’s futures be denied, who fought unfair odds, social biases, low expectations and systems stacked against them, and somehow managed to win.”

Rachel’s passion for art was nurtured by her parents from a young age. The support and encouragement from her parents played a crucial role in her development: “The first time we took her to Musée d’Orsay, Laura was carrying Rachel when we entered the Van Gogh gallery and it was like an electric charge went through Rachel’s body. She had an instant, strong, positive physical reaction to the art.”

Rachel’s incredible talent in photography is evident on her Instagram page. Her skills, which led to her earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, make her a worthy role model for children with Down syndrome everywhere. Thanks to Rachel, they can now feel empowered and believe that they too can achieve their dreams, something that most of us often take for granted.

Congratulations, Rachel! Let’s not forget to acknowledge her parents’ unwavering support every step of the way. Share this article to inspire others and spread Rachel’s success story.

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