Photo Of Mom Holding Young Boy Inside Target Is Gaining Nationwide Attention

There lives a busy parent from Pearland, Texas, She’s Rebecca Patterson. She has two kids, a 2-year-old and a 2-month-old. She went to shop once with her two kids and they made her feel embarrassed because of their simultaneous outburst.

Parents that are very hardworking and are usually busy will relate to Rebecca’s story easily.

Apparently, keeping up with very young children below five years is not an easy thing to do, it can be very difficult to do and quite stressful having to meet each child’s need and give the attention he or she needs at the moment without considering your own mood or feelings at the moment.

Their behavior and mood are usually unpredictable and they tend to affect their parents plans.

Most parents with young kids don’t always have a very fixed and predictable schedule because of their kids.

Rebecca went to a superstore on a particular day and thought taking her two kids with her would not be a problem since she does not have many things she had to pick up.

She was a little bit stressed out that day but still decided to get to Target. She had no idea that going to the superstore would be a problem with her little kids with her that fateful day.

She ended being more stressed and it would just have been better not going to the superstore with the kids that day.

She did not want to waste time in the store at all she went right in search of the things she needed and grasped them quickly. Almost immediately she began shopping, her two kids who began to cry simultaneously.

If you have a young one at home, you will understand that feels. Rebecca was embarrassed . She had no one to help her with the kids.

All the remaining people in the store seemed not to notice her or her noisy kids. No one had empathy on her and helped her to calm her kids down. She was embarrassed.

She had to hurriedly return what she had picked from the store to buy and calm her kids down. Unfortunately, in spite of all her effort in calming the kids down and fondling them so that they would stop crying, they didn’t stop. All her effort to console the kids proved abortive.

Then, she realized that she taking the kids along for shopping was not a good idea despite the fact that she just wanted to quickly grasp a few necessary items and leave the superstore as quickly as possible to avoid the children’s unexpected outburst and also because she was stressed out that day.

While she was leaving the store, she heard a strange voice asking her if she needed help. She did not know whether she should quickly jump at the offer and say yes immediately and she didn’t want to reject the offer either because she obviously needed help.

She stood there and had emotions that definitely meant she needed help but didn’t want to admit quickly because the person is a stranger.

Well, this stranger also came to shop at the store but had been watching how she was struggling to console her two crying kids. The helper carried the 2-year old and consoled him.

Rebecca was amazed by what she saw and decided to take a picture of the stranger while carrying her child to post online. She refers to her helper as ‘angel.

’ The helper’s name is Tiffany Guillory. The picture Rebecca snapped went viral as it has been shared thousands of time.


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