After describing how the drive-thru works, a McDonald’s employee irritates those who enjoy fast meals.

Young or old, everyone occasionally needs a Big Mac. Imagine how nice it would be to treat yourself to one of these delectable burgers after a night out.

Even if we enjoy how simple it is to use the drive-thru at a McDonald’s, we might be hesitant now that a McDonald’s employee has made some troubling revelations.

The restaurant collects covert screenshots without the public’s knowledge, claims TikTok user @secretfitzz, who divulges certain trade secrets. The user went on to state that employees are aware of customer chats.

The TikTok video explains, “The fact that people don’t realize we can hear your convos even when we aren’t speaking to you processing your order.”

In order to identify whose order is whose, we also have a camera at the speaker that snaps a picture of you.

The user claims that “looking at the mugshots of unusual people” is the highlight of her workday.

It should go without saying that this news infuriated and enraged a lot of people.

Naturally, we have no means of knowing if this is true or not, but the very notion unsettles us.

In their comments, users made light-hearted remarks like, “How can you hear my convo when you can’t hear me yelling into the mic from 5cm away?” and “If this is genuine, I’m never going again.”

What do you think about this? Please forward this to your Facebook friends and family!


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