The terrible story behind the viral photograph of a mother resting in a crib with her newborn kid will move you to tears.

This beautiful snapshot of a mother and baby has a heartbreaking story behind it, and it quickly went viral after it was shared on social media. The mother explained why her husband spotted her sleeping beside her baby in the cot.

When Dayna Mager, 29, of Michigan, uploaded the sweet photos of herself and her child, Luella, in her crib, it soon went viral. Matt, Dayna’s husband, had returned home from night worship and found them together. He then took a photograph.

Dayna related a terrible incident she heard from a missionary while she and her husband attended a church service. The missionary recalled visiting an orphanage nursery with more than 100 infants. Though he had been to nurseries like this one before, what struck him about this one was how silent it was.

“He turned to his host and inquired as to why the nursery was deafeningly quiet,” Dayna wrote. “Then she said something to him that I will never forget. EVER. This was the ‘why’ moment for me.”

“After approximately a week of being here and crying out for countless hours, they eventually stop when they realize no one is coming for them,” Dayna responded.

The missionary’s story utterly shook Dayna. “They stop weeping once they realize no one is coming for them,” Dayna said. “Not in ten minutes, or four hours, and possibly never…”

“I might have picked up pieces of my coronary heart scattered on the auditorium floor.” As an alternative, it awoke in me a need, a hunger. In my spirit, there is a promise.

“When we came home, I committed Luella as she leaned her tiny 10lb body against mine, and we rocked. A pledge that I will always come to her…”


“We’ll come to her for her first hurt, heartbreak. We can carry her, let her truly feel, make her own decisions, and be there.”

“We will demonstrate to her, via our tears and anger at times, that it is okay to cry and to feel.”

“That we will always be a haven for her and always come to her.”


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