The bravery of a South African grandmother in attempting to save her grandchild moved the entire nation.

The parents had left town. Grandma broke the window in the middle of the night, kidnapped her grandson, and placed him in the car’s trunk. The cops arrived right away. What transpired that night shook a nation.

Every year, roughly eight million children are reported missing worldwide, according to data.

Imagine the terror and anguish of parents whose children end up in the hands of strangers. That must be the hardest thing a mother and father could go through.

Unfortunately, according to the UK government, public comprehension of parental child abduction is shockingly low.

A South African story of attempted kidnapping turned one granny become a hero. Her bravery and fast thinking saved her grandson from being taken advantage of by the wrong people.

While his parents were gone, Grandma Zelinda was requested to look after her 3-year-old grandson Lucas.

She began her story by stating that she had placed the baby to sleep.

“In the middle of the night, I heard noises coming from the front door. When I tried to turn on the light in my room, the power went out across the house. I could see something wasn’t right immediately away. I went straight to Lucas’ room and caressed him softly without disturbing him asleep, and then I heard footsteps coming from the ground floor of the house, signaling that someone was inside.

“It was utterly dark inside the house, and I was climbing on the roof with Lucas in my arms, my heart racing quickly, and I began to shiver with dread. I made a small drop off the stairs to locate the invaders, then went to the kitchen and opened the garage door because I heard a footfall in the house’s living room. “I couldn’t go because the garage door was locked, and I didn’t have the key,” the grandmother added.

“Without waking Lucas, I opened the trunk and gently placed Lucas inside. I wanted to scream but held back because I was choking on fear. When I returned to the kitchen, a strong hand grabbed my arm and said, ‘Don’t move, don’t make a sound, where is the child?’ in a low voice.

“There were two males dressed in masks. ‘WHERE IS THE CHILD?’ they inquired once more. When I told them he wasn’t home, one of them grew enraged, grabbed the back of my head, slammed me on the living room floor, and roared, ‘Don’t MOVE.’ The men began searching the house with portable flashlights.

“I could have gone out the door and run, but I knew Lucas was there, so I stayed still on the floor as they commanded me. As soon as the men entered the kitchen, I grabbed a chair and flung it through the large window in the living room. The glass shattered as a result of the loud noise. The men fled in fright, unaware to what was happening.”

“I dashed over to Lucas, still sleeping, held him, and kissed him. I burst into uncontrollable tears. Neighbors arrived after hearing the noise. They phoned the police. Thank heavens, nothing bad happened, and no one was hurt. I used to hear about kidnappings of children on the news, but I never believed it would happen to me.”

“The grandma was praised by the police and her neighbors for her calm demeanor and tenacity. As he spotted the shattered window in the living room, Lucas asked his grandmother, “Grandma, what happened to the window?”

Lucas awoke, glanced out the window, and asked his grandmother what had happened to it. “I broke it,” she said.

“Will Mom and Dad be upset because you broke the window?” Lucas inquired.

“I’m sure they’ll understand,” the grandmother said, relief on her face.

The grandmother was hailed as a hero.

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