87-year-old lady fights off intruder, then feeds him treats because he was ‘awfully hungry’

According to accounts, an 87-year-old grandmother fought off a juvenile attacker and then offered him cookies from her kitchen to distract him before calling police last week.

Marjorie Perkins awoke at 2 a.m. on July 26 to see someone standing over her bed. The invader had stripped naked and threatened to slash her.

“I woke up to see a male standing over me by my bed, telling me he was going to cut me,” Perkins explained to News Center Maine.

The Maine woman was resolved not to give up without a fight.

Perkins, who lives alone, rushed out of bed and put on her shoes, thinking to herself, “If he’s going to cut, I’m going to kick.”

As the adolescent invader began to beat her, she grabbed a nearby chair to defend herself.

“He kept punching and pushing me,” Perkins explained to the Times Record.

The assault lasted until “he got tired of that” and moved into the kitchen, where he expressed his need to be “very hungry.”

“And I said, ‘Well, here’s a box of peanut butter and honey crackers. You can have that whole box.’ I gave him two containers of Ensure and I gave him two tangerines.”

Perkins wasn’t just feeding the intruder out of generosity of heart.

“That was to keep him busy, what do you think? I taught school (for) 35 years,” she told CNN.

The former teacher swiftly dialed 911 on her rotary phone while the teen was distracted by the goodies. He departed while she was still on the phone with the dispatcher, but a K9 was able to track him down a few blocks away, where he had been staying.

Because of his age, the teen’s identity has not been disclosed. He was arrested and charged with burglary, criminal threatening, assault, and consuming liquor as a minor.

While the general public is unaware of the teen’s identity, Perkins is acquainted with the intruder. He mowed her grass several years ago, she claims.

Congratulations, Marjorie! Your quick thinking saved your life and stopped a heinous crime.


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